News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
When Trump wins, expect the ABSOLUTE WORST reactionary revolt in U.S. history, wrought with destruction, mayhem and millions of election denial sufferers
Barring the biggest election steal ever perpetrated, Donald J. Trump should win by a landslide this upcoming November, as his robust platform for fixing America is currently the only chance this nation has to avoid absolute chaos, collapse and a complete communist takeover by the Left. Yet, one thing is for sure – there will […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 PROPER ACTIONS Trump should take first when inaugurated January 20th, 2025
Obviously, our nation is scrambling to save anything left that resembles financial security, safety, health and a democratic system capable of voting out corruption and treasonous actors. Still, there is some damage that can be undone, or at least prevented from happening in the future, and that’s where the power of the Presidency of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Pro-Palestine INSURRECTION at Democrat National Convention in Chicago – Where are the FBI and police with pipe bombs and tear gas, and mass arrests to follow like Jan. 6?
Yes, all the top Democrat politicians use walls, identification requirements and police to protect themselves from people they don’t know who might want to harm them. Still, they want to defund the police, tear town all border walls, and have no ID requirements at elections? The communist insanity and hypocrisy coming from the Left is […]
By S.D. Wells
End the Communist Insurgency of America: “We can be unburdened by what has been” if we simply vote the Democrat lunatics out of office come November
Nearly every speech and interview that Kamala “Obamala” Harris has given, throughout her political career, has been loaded with Marxist prerogatives, motives and slick words that try to convince Americans we need socialism for the “greater good” of the nation. Now, the history of Kamala has been erased, at least as much as the mass […]
By S.D. Wells
New claims surface that Democrats are PREPARING CONCENTRATION CAMPS for conservative “dissidents”
Dial it back to 2016, when every Democrat in America thought Hillary “Hitlery” Clinton had the election in the bag. The fake news media complex was already beginning to cast Donald J. Trump as a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, all-immigrant-hating rich white casino guy who would destroy democracy and ruin the economy. Bernie “Commie” Sanders […]
By S.D. Wells
Zuckerberg’s META-FAKEBOOK censors anyone opposed to Israel’s mass-murdering of Palestinians – Now Meta faces LAWSUIT over bias and discrimination
Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta spy apparatus, also known as Fakebook, is a multi-faceted social media platform used for many nefarious purposes, including tracking people’s purchases, service interests, psychological marketing, influencing political stances, police state control, censorship, election interference and influencing popular opinion about important (corrupt) government narratives. Since the War in Gaza began, Fakebook has been […]
By S.D. Wells
SMOKE & MIRRORS: Anti-TikTok “bill” is actually secretive legislation to help US government censor US citizen’s right to free speech and free press
Beware: The censorship boot is now on the neck of all Americans. The new “Restrict Act” is a massive truth censorship campaign cloaked as anti-TikTok legislation that has been introduced by communist sympathizers Mark Warner and Tom Thune. The claim is that this will help protect our national security from communist China (CCP), but since […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 groups making life difficult for the Biden regime by exposing his lies and contradictions
It is a difficult task to turn the Republic of North America into a Communist country in just a few years, but the Biden Regime is making every conscious effort to do so anyway. If it were up to the crooks and traitors in Washington DC, there would be no Americans who owned guns or […]
By S.D. Wells
Fight for Medical Freedom: Senator Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania is fighting the CDC’s latest draconian mandate for Covid jabs placed on the childhood vaccine schedule
By far, the CDC is the most insidious organization on planet earth. Like never before, innocent people across the country are experiencing health trauma and early death due to gene-mutating-injections that have been wrongly termed and labeled as Covid-19 “vaccines.” Tens of millions of citizens have stood their ground and denied these horrific nano-clot-shots, but […]
By S.D. Wells
Nazi SS-Covid Police faced with justified backlash and standoff against women in Boston restaurant who had no vaccine passport and still ordered food for dining in
No human in Boston is allowed to buy or eat food at any indoor venue if they cannot show proof they have been injected with billions of toxic prions. Six females walked into a pizzeria in Boston and… the store manager called the Nazi SS-Covid Police to attempt to force them out, but it didn’t […]
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